Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 2 in the School Room

Day 2 in paradise was like every other day except this year we rented a car and were at the park with even less effort if that were possible. Greg Christopolus joined us this day 12 years since he last swung an ice tool; Greg is our 70 year old new addition to our crew who kick ass. Be began the day at school room and were hard pressed to beat the Korean contingent who arrive for an ice climbing course. You never met a friendlier or a more enthusiastic crowd at the park! So much fun. One thing that was different this year was the city of Ouray purchased the ice park from the USFS but still run by the Ice park personel. The city's liability insurance does;t cover manmade structures per se so the scary stair are closed off and only used for emergencies. The downside to this is we must use the heinous down climb up stream. Most people do just fine but I would have to hook something and take the plunge with all your gear down this gully. I clipped the ropes on the way down for shits and giggles....One image shows the big log jam on the down climb. The weather was beautiful. about 30ish or warmer, ice was dry and the sky was blue. What else do you want?
Greg Christopolus and Lee Jenkins
Traffic jam on the down climb in School Room
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Crew from Denver: Todd, Joe, Scott and Annette
Beasty mixed climber
Jim Pasterchek
John Smith
Joe, lee, Scott
no snot sicles
from the catwalk looking down in to the School room
Joe and Annette

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